Rules and policies
Responsible Service of Alcohol

Responsible Service of Alcohol
Responsible Service of Alcohol at Crown Sydney
Crown recognises:
- the need to minimise harm associated with misuse and abuse of liquor (including harm arising from violence and other anti-social behaviour);
- the need to encourage responsible attitudes and practices towards the promotion, sale, supply, service and consumption of liquor; and
- the need to ensure that the sale, supply and consumption of liquor contributes to, and does not detract from, the amenity of community life.
Accordingly, it is Crown’s policy to:
- practice the Responsible Service of Alcohol (RSA). Supporting responsible consumption practices and preventing intoxication lowers the risk of alcohol-related harm, violence and neighbourhood disturbance, and helps to promote a safe venue for customers and team members;
- encourage its customers who consume liquor to do so responsibly;
- discourage the consumption of liquor which results in intoxication and/or indecent, violent, quarrelsome or disorderly conduct;
- prevent intoxication by recognising the signs of intoxication and refusing service to a patron who reaches this point. Any person who is already intoxicated when attempting to enter the Premises will be refused entry;
- ensure that low alcohol and non-alcoholic beverages are available at all times licensed premises are open for trade;
- ensure promotions are not conducted at licensed premises which will result in binge drinking or excessive consumption;
- prevent disruptive and/or anti-social behaviour of patrons within and when leaving licensed premises;
- prevent drink driving by having safe transport options available;
- prevent underage drinking by requiring proof of age be provided by any person requested to do so, particularly any person who appears to be under the age of 18 years;
- educate team members in respect of RSA and this policy; and
- ensure the noise from the operation of licensed premises does not unduly affect any residence or business located in the vicinity.
Crown will review and update this policy when it is deemed warranted after consultation with NSW Police and/or Liquor & Gaming NSW. When a change is made to this policy all team members will be required to be made aware of those changes.